1. 人民行動黨內所有產品的收入資格要求是300%的聯邦貧困水準(按家庭規模調整)(100%的聯邦貧困水準,用於疫苗).
- 所有申請2024年登記參加人民行動黨的新病人必須滿足新的收入資格要求,即適應能力為300%或以下(適應能力為100%的疫苗),並根據HH大小.進行調整完成2024年資格要求如下.
- 目前入選武警部隊的病人,其按公平值計入損益的收入超過3,00%,最多5,000名%,可按HH規模進行調整,如果他們滿足下列.所列的所有其他2024年資格要求,則可申請重新入選,並有資格在2024年繼續接受他們的藥品
- 目前入讀牛津大學布賴特島分校的患者,其FPL收入%為6000或以下,按HH大小調整,如果符合下列2024年所有其他.資格要求,則可申請重新入學,並有資格在2024年繼續接受其治療。
- 請注意:目前登記在乙型肝炎PAP中的商業保險患者,只要符合所有其他要求.,即可繼續通過PAP獲得一年藥品。
2. 截至2024年1月1日,任何2023年援款寬限期領取者都必須符合2024年援款寬限期的要求.
- 截至2024年1月1日,PAP入學資格的全部要求.詳列如下.
- 在PAP中購買有效的Pfizer藥的處方
- 此處方必須符合FDA批准的適應症以注射要求的藥物或疫苗
- 通過政府提供的保險獲得無保險或公共保險,且無力支付共同付款.公共保險包括醫療保險、醫療補助、Champus/TRICARE和VA.商業保險的病人不合格的. 達到聯邦貧困水準300%以下或以下的收入標準,按家庭規模調整
- 疫苗收入達到聯邦貧困線100%以下或以上的指導方針,並根據家庭規模進行調整
- 居住在U.S.或U.S.涵蓋領土內(U.S.涵蓋領土包括U.S.維爾京群島、關島和波多黎各)
- 由在.美國.獲得許可的醫療保健提供者或受涵蓋的.美國.領土(受涵蓋的.美國.. .領土包括美屬維京群島、關島和波多黎各)提供治療
- 在過渡期間,當前在PAP中登記並受2024年這些變化影響的某些患者將可以繼續登記參加該計畫,具體取決於資格要求.請參見下面的更多資訊.
- 除PAP外,輝瑞公司將繼續提供其他協助計畫,為患者提供有關他們的保險是否/如何覆蓋他們的處方、共同支付支援的資訊,並通過輝瑞RxPathways和其他患者支援計畫提供獨立第三方協助選項的資訊.。資格服務可能因具體藥物和條件.而異。
- 我們鼓勵患者諮詢其醫療提供者及/或保險提供者,探索最適合其醫療與財務需求.的選擇。根據藥品或疫苗的不同,還有其他資源或許也能有所幫助,如NeedsMeds、RxOutreach(等等)、商業代付款卡(有限制)和當地藥房儲蓄計畫.。
General FAQs
Why is Pfizer adding this new requirement for patients enrolled in a Medicare Part D/Medicare Advantage Plan in 2025?
The 2025 benefit changes outlined in the Inflation Reduction Act will help many Medicare Part D/Medicare Advantage patients, including (1) the reduction of out-of-pocket prescription costs for covered medicines to $2,000 annually and (2) a voluntary option for enrollment in the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan.
NEW & EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: When is the new Certification and demonstration of MPPP enrollment and/or ICPAP denial required for Medicare Part D/Medicare Advantage patients?
All Medicare Part D/Medicare Advantage enrollees seeking access to the Pfizer Patient Assistance Program for the 2025 enrollment year, must attest to and provide evidence of their enrollment in the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan. In addition, patients must apply to all applicable ICPAPs and continue to provide proof of ICPAP denial, from each before being considered for PAP. These requirements will immediately be applied to all 2025 enrollment form submissions.
To demonstrate proof of MPPP enrollment, patients can provide a paper letter or email confirmation, or screen shot of enrollment. Missing proof of enrollment in MPPP will prevent the enrollment form from being processed for patients with an annual pre-tax household income above 138% of the FPL.
To demonstrate proof of denial from all ICPAPs to which a patient was referred, patients should include a paper or email notification, or screen shot of the denial from the ICPAP(s) indicating their denial for support. In certain circumstances, if the ICPAP does not provide written documentation, we will accept a patient’s verbal confirmation that they were denied along with the reason for denial. Applications will not be processed until/unless the documentation is received.
NEW: Why is Pfizer requesting proof of MPPP enrollment and/or proof of denial from all applicable ICPAPs?
Pfizer’s PAP is a last resort, safety net program, for patients with the most financial need. As such, we encourage patients to explore all of their options, and if the patient’s prescription costs remain unaffordable after this, only then should patients consider applying for the PAP.
When and how can patients enroll in the voluntary Medicare Prescription Payment Plan?
Medicare beneficiaries have the option to enroll in the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan during the Medicare Part D/Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (which began on October 15th, 2024), as well as at any time during the plan year. For more information on the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan and how to enroll, patients can call their health plan, visit their plan’s website, and/or visit: https://www.medicare.gov/prescription-payment-plan.
The patient’s healthcare provider, specialty pharmacy, alternative funding resource, or others are telling the patient not to enroll in the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan. What should the patient do?
The decision to enroll in the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan is voluntary and completely up to the patient. If the patient chooses not to enroll in the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan, they will not be eligible for enrollment/re-enrollment in the Pfizer Patient Assistance Program. We encourage the patient to discuss this with their healthcare provider.
When are these changes effective?
All changes are effective January 1, 2025. Patients who have already submitted their application in 2024 and are awaiting their PAP determination for 2025 will be informed if they need to take additional action such as providing proof/documentation of MPPP enrollment and/or ICPAP denials.
Pfizer made changes to the program in 2023 and 2024. Why is Pfizer making changes to the PAP again, in 2025?
Periodically, Pfizer reviews the PAP to confirm it is supporting the evolving needs of patients in a rapidly changing healthcare environment. These changes are a response to the Inflation Reduction Act which caps Medicare Part D/Medicare Advantage patients’ annual out of pocket prescription drug costs for covered medicines at $2,000 and enables patients to have the option to enroll in the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan to spread out their monthly medicine costs.
Will Pfizer continue to make these changes in future years?
Pfizer may adjust the PAP in coming years in accordance with changes in the healthcare landscape, including but not limited to, new policies and regulations that impact patients’ ability to afford their Pfizer medicine and vaccines.**
患者和醫療服務提供者 — 請聯絡1-844-989-PATH(7284)
What are the income eligibility criteria for the Pfizer PAP?
The income eligibility criteria for all patients applying to the PAP for assistance with any product other than a vaccine remains at an annual pre-tax household income at or below 300% Federal Poverty Level (FPL) adjusted for household size. (Federal Poverty Level Guidelines available at https://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty-guidelines). Effective January 1, 2025, the FPL limit for all products, including vaccines will be 300% of the FPL. Though the FPL Guidelines are subject to change in January of each year, currently 300% of the FPL in the 48 contiguous states excluding Alaska and Hawaii is:
Persons in family/household | Poverty guideline | 300% of the FPL |
1 | $15,060 | $45,180 |
2 | $20,440 | $61,320 |
3 | $25,820 | $77,460 |
4 | $31,200 | $93,600 |
5 | $36,580 | $109,740 |
6 | $41,960 | $125,880 |
7 | $47,340 | $142,020 |
8 | $52,720 | $158,160 |
Are uninsured patients who meet the income eligibility criteria eligible for the PAP?
Yes. Patients without an insurance plan who meet the income eligibility criteria may be eligible for the PAP if all other PAP eligibility criteria are met.
Do patients who have public insurance and meet the income eligibility criteria qualify for PAP?
Yes. Patients who have public insurance, meet the income eligibility criteria, and have a valid, on- label prescription from their healthcare provider may be eligible for the PAP, assuming all criteria have been met for the program. Public Insurance includes, but is not limited to Medicare Part D/Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, Champus/TRICARE & VA.
Do patients who have commercial insurance and meet the income eligibility criteria qualify for PAP?
No, commercially- insured patients are not eligible for the Pfizer PAP.
Are currently enrolled PAP patients eligible to apply for re-enrollment?
Yes, patients currently enrolled in the PAP may be eligible for re-enrollment in the PAP program in 2025 if their annual pre-tax household income is at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and they meet all other 2025 eligibility requirements.
What products will remain within Pfizer PAP as of January 1, 2025?
Type | Primary Care | Specialty Care | Oncology |
Medicines |
Vaccines |
NOTE: This list of products is subject to change
2024年1月1日起,Pfizer PAP中將保留哪些產品?
Type | 初級保健 | 特殊護理 | 腫瘤學 |
藥品 |
Vaccines |
*輝瑞患者援助計劃是輝瑞公司和輝瑞患者援助基金會™ 的聯合計劃。輝瑞患者援助基金會是輝瑞公司的獨立法人實體,具有不同的法律限制。